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Everyone knows that the more people who pray for something, the more power that prayer has. That’s one of the reasons why we all naturally ask others to pray for (or with) us. As St. Thomas Aquinas tells us, "The prayers of the many cannot go unheeded, when they unite in one." St. Ambrose tells us, "Many who are weak, when united become strong; and it is impossible that the prayers of many should not be heard." St. Alphonsus Ligouri tells us, "God also hears their prayers the more readily; for He has Himself said, that He grants graces more willingly to prayers offered up in common." As famed pastor E.M. Bounds once put it, “Units of prayer combined, like drops of water, make an ocean that defies resistance.” I’m sure you get the point by now, so let me move on to what's on this page.
What you're seeing here is a Community Prayer Registry (CPR): a list of prayers submitted by our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world that anyone can then see and pray for using the registry. What's special about a CPR though?
It allows people to not only easily extend the reach of their prayer requests, but also derive the emotional and psychological benefits we as humans get from being able to see outward (and here digital) signs of the spiritual support others give.
You can use this CPR in one (or both) of two ways:

1) By hitting the “Submit Prayer” button in the upper right hand corner of this screen and submitting any prayer(s) you want the world’s help praying for, and/or

2) By praying for the prayers others have already submitted via hitting the “Pray For This” button on any of the prayers you see below.
To learn more, feel free to check out our Help & FAQ page.


Pray all spiritual warfare is blocked from A, her boyfriend, and me and the rest of my family. and that God heals A, pray her headache goes away, her blood... Read More

0 11/03/23


My name is Allwyn,

I am 29 years old and living with my parents in Mumbai, India.

Please do pray for my mental health.

0 11/03/23


Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, thank you for bringing me and L together. He’s one of the best blessings you ever gave me.

Dear God, please heal the damage that has built... Read More

0 11/03/23

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I'm having really bad anxiety and panic attacks and feeling of guilt and regrets from my past. Please pray these feelings go away.

0 11/03/23


Pray all spiritual warfare is blocked from A, her boyfriend, and me and the rest of my family. and that God heals A, pray her headache goes away, her blood... Read More
0 11/02/23


Please pray for my mom who has been starting all kinds of quarrels with my dad and I for decades. She has been suffering heart problems - physical and spiritual,... Read More

0 11/02/23

A grass-roots apologetics & teaching blog for the Catholic faith

Pray For My Coworker

Lord we have a new coworker and we just can't seem to get her to fit well with our department which only consists of a few women, I don't know... Read More
0 10/31/23

Need my daughter back

Dear Lord Jesus please restore my relationship with my daughter. Please heal her from mental illness and show me how I can help her . Please pray for me. Thank... Read More
0 10/31/23

Family problems

My grandchildren mother keeps moving and won't tell us where she moved. I just want to send the kids . school clothes they asked for 2 months ago. My son... Read More
0 10/31/23

Pray for my autistic son

Pray for my young adult son with obsession compulsive disorder, delusions, melt downs, autism that he will find a Christian group home that is self pay since he has a... Read More
0 10/31/23

"Just as a father who would not yield to the request of a son is moved by the united requests of all his children, so Our Heavenly Father cannot resist the sweet violence of the united prayers of a great number of His children." — Reverend Tanquerey