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Everyone knows that the more people who pray for something, the more power that prayer has. That’s one of the reasons why we all naturally ask others to pray for (or with) us. As St. Thomas Aquinas tells us, "The prayers of the many cannot go unheeded, when they unite in one." St. Ambrose tells us, "Many who are weak, when united become strong; and it is impossible that the prayers of many should not be heard." St. Alphonsus Ligouri tells us, "God also hears their prayers the more readily; for He has Himself said, that He grants graces more willingly to prayers offered up in common." As famed pastor E.M. Bounds once put it, “Units of prayer combined, like drops of water, make an ocean that defies resistance.” I’m sure you get the point by now, so let me move on to what's on this page.
What you're seeing here is a Community Prayer Registry (CPR): a list of prayers submitted by our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world that anyone can then see and pray for using the registry. What's special about a CPR though?
It allows people to not only easily extend the reach of their prayer requests, but also derive the emotional and psychological benefits we as humans get from being able to see outward (and here digital) signs of the spiritual support others give.
You can use this CPR in one (or both) of two ways:

1) By hitting the “Submit Prayer” button in the upper right hand corner of this screen and submitting any prayer(s) you want the world’s help praying for, and/or

2) By praying for the prayers others have already submitted via hitting the “Pray For This” button on any of the prayers you see below.
To learn more, feel free to check out our Help & FAQ page.

Anxiety about finances and work

Lord, Jesus, I am very anxious about my financial and work issue. I feel hard to focus on my work recently due to my rental issue. God, I hand over... Read More

0 12/01/23

Granddaughter's safety

Please pray for my granddaughter who has been assigned to San Diego, CA and will be driving from Seattle, WA tomorrow Thursday. Please pray that the Lord would send angels... Read More

0 12/01/23

Protection and healing

Please pray for me to be protected and healed of depression and heal my gaba neurotransmitters and fill me with serotonin, dopamine,kinesin myosis proteins and endorphins ty blessings

0 11/30/23

A grass-roots apologetics & teaching blog for the Catholic faith

Sister had a stroke

Please pray for my sister. She had a stroke on the18th of November. She is still in the hospital icu. We family miss her this holiday time togetherness. I miss... Read More

0 11/30/23

B's health

B in Arizona needs complete healing, her Liver is shutting down from Tylenol toxicity and she is a 34yo married mom of two young children.

In Yeshua's (Jesus's) mighty name please... Read More

0 11/30/23

The Lord feels far

Feeling oppressed. 2020 had deep depression. My husband passed 2022 from cancer. I feel so numb. The Lord feels so far from me. Still holding onto His promises. Asking for... Read More

0 11/30/23

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For Safety

Praying for my mom my sisters me and R cars, praying over all of our cars, that we will drive safely and God please lay your hands on all of... Read More

0 11/30/23

Family needs

Please pray for my marriage restoration.. And pray for my child health speed recovery.. Pray for my Financial and health issues.. Please pray for my peace health and wealth.. Depression... Read More

0 11/30/23

Praying for my career

Praying for my career to finally see the light of day and take off. And find sincere admiration in love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

0 11/30/23

Fatty liver

Found out my liver is fatty. May be generic. I ask the Lord to help heal me and to make wiser eating choices, and including fasting

0 11/30/23

"Just as a father who would not yield to the request of a son is moved by the united requests of all his children, so Our Heavenly Father cannot resist the sweet violence of the united prayers of a great number of His children." — Reverend Tanquerey