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Healing And Deliverance

Anonymous Uniting Our Prayers
YOU ARE WORTHY I thank GOD in advance for my miracle for my divine health, complete healing, total restoration, wholeness and me feeling good in my body in JESUS NAME. I thank GOD that YOU destroy all evil, every curse, and every demonic spirit that may have come against me or spoken over me in JESUS NAME. I am delivered and protected by the blood of JESUS in JESUS NAME I thank GOD in advance for healing the excruciating pain and discomfort around my left ear, mouth, jaw, face, legs and feet in JESUS NAME. All pain and discomfort and suffering due to stroke, other illnesses, the negative impact of dental procedures already done, and as a result of evil spirits, curses or any other causes is healed in JESUS NAME and I feel really good in every part of my body in JESUS NAME. I thank YOU LORD in advance that I never go to hospital as an inpatient in JESUS NAME I thank YOU LORD in advance for healing every facial pain, cell, nerve, muscle, bone, blood vessel, organ, tissue, diabetes, cholesterol, neuropathy, infection and inflammation in my body and from the impact of stroke and protecting/not blocking the shunt in JESUS name. I am free from excruciating pain, all pain and discomfort, sickness, disease, spirit of infirmities and suffering in JESUS NAME I thank GOD in advance for my lower back, left ear, face, mouth, jaw, feet, legs, nerve pain, facial pain, nerve damage AND brain, fuzziness AND clogging in head, eyes and sleep being fully healed, and every cell, tissue, organ, nerve, blood vessel, bone, brain and head being healed and me feeling good, able to figure complex and complicated things and alert all the time in JESUS NAME. The excruciating pain, strange sensations, spasms and all pain and discomfort, inflammation, trigeminal neuralgia and dental work i.e. pain and discomfort as a result of Implants, bar and dentures, trigeminal neuralgia, stroke or other causes is fully healed, painful sensations and spasms in my mouth and jaw is fully healed-My ears, jaw, face, feet and legs feel good- neuropathy, other ailments in feet ,swelling, burning, pain and discomfort is healed, mouth and jaw feels and looks good in JESUS NAME. THANK YOU in advance for creative miracles and for blessing the work already done by medical professionals and blessing the medication and all means used to heal me in JESUS NAME.I thank you LORD for healing the negative impact of the medication in JESUS NAME I THANK YOU LORD WHERE DOCTORS, SPECIALISTS, MEDICATION, DENTISTS AND OTHER RELATED PROFESSIONALS FAIL, YOU SUCCEED AND HEAL MIRACULOUSLY AND SUPERNATURALLY AND MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE AND MAKE A WAY WHERE THERE IS NO WAY in JESUS NAME I AM HEALED FROM ALL PAIN, DISCOMFORT AND SICKNESS IN JESUS NAME THANK YOU LORD I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. THANK YOU LORD IN ADVANCE FOR MY HEALING, DELIVERANCE, ME RECEIVING MY BREAKTHROUGH AND MIRACLE FOR DIVINE HEALTH, HEALING, WHOLENESS AND RESTORATION AND ME FEELING REALLY GOOD IN EVERY PART OF MY BODY IN JESUS NAME PRAISE GOD. BLESS YOU LORD OH MY SOUL IN JESUS NAME
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