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Please pray!

Anonymous Community 3

Please lift up this Momma, Jenna!! Neurologist just left. A tear in the carotid artery is 4.5cm which is about 1.77inches. Very substantial. The blood flow ranges from 50% to completely occluded at the base of her skull and that has caused TIA’s to occur which are stroke like attacks. They will keep her on blood thinners in the hospital until Sunday then do another MRI. They will determine at that time if she needs a stent, which she probably will as it is completely occluded at the base of her skull. Please Pray for miraculous opening of the artery so she doesn’t need a stent. They are keeping her in the critical care unit as a stroke can still occur. She has clots in the gap of the tear and outside the tear as well. The clots and the occluded artery are all stroke risks. Please Pray for the clots to resolve quickly.🙏

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