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For NB

Anonymous Community 3

Heavenly Father,

We lift up NB in Arkansas, as they face the challenge of competing with abortion clinics and online abortion pill websites. Grant them wisdom and strength to navigate these waters. Bless their efforts to provide compassionate care and accurate information to women facing unplanned pregnancies.

Lord, we see their struggle against overreaching advertising from non-local clinics, some even hundreds of miles away. We pray that New Beginnings will be able to continue their vital work amidst these challenges. Provide them with the resources and financial support they need to enhance their advertising and reach out effectively to the women in their community.

Bless thos of us on the team at NB working on SEO and marketing with creativity and insight. May their message of hope and support reach many, offering alternatives and guidance in difficult times.

We ask for the community's support, in prayer and resources, to aid NB in their mission. May more people be moved to donate and contribute, helping the center to expand its reach and reach it's mission of saving as many image bearers of God as possible - rescuing those who are being targeted by evil groups.

In Jesus' name we pray- Amen.

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