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List of my prayers

Anonymous Community 3

Angelic assistance cover my life and to continuously fight for me and to help me

New friends

For god to make it right

Exceeding abundantly above all can ask or think

Malachi -3:10

I tell you the truth, if someone says to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. (Mark 11:23)

i repent for the knowing and unknowing and that god have mercy on me and make me into his image everyday.

and keep his angles around me daily protected mr from hurt, harm, danger, seen and unseen and my family too.

let all my prayers be answered by gods word as i prayed and sowed seed.

and that i will go far in life. and that all those trying to stop my blessings be met with fire from heaven.

Pray and ask god what I'm dealing

Long life

Exceeding abundantly above all can ask or think.

M and sister and family( desires of the heart)

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