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Work supervisor problems

Anonymous Community 3

Greetings to my sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ

I am calling on all prayer warriors to join me in a prayer band for the new supervisor that I am working with. There was a training yesterday with us new people and she took the opportunity to intimidate, threaten and bragged about her past evil and current evil heart. She said to not get under her skin because she will come for anyone who does, she has also said that she has got rid of people in the past and bragged about a woman she demoted in the past. She also talk about her family life which seem troubled. Please pray for me and others working with her and the people she has hurt in the past and for me as well. The evil spirts that control her is very obvious and heavily present, but we in Jesus Christ denounced the legions in her.

Please add and keep me in your prayer band my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Together we can chase thousands. Love

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