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Many prayers

Anonymous Community 3

I plead the blood of Jesus over me and my family, I pray for all of us too reach salvation, to strive to be full of the word, hopefully to pray daily, just too talk to Jesus, I need a miracle, whatever Jesus wants, I just pray he guide me and give me the strength to get through whatever I have to go through with true faith, I pray for deliverance, I pray for protection, someone has been using black magic on me and my family, I pray the Lord break whatever it was, I pray for mercy on whoever was doing so, I pray for mercy for myself, I pray for truth, and to not doubt, but completely trust in the name of Jesus, I pray for recovery of memory, so that I could confess and recap with my brother, I pray for mercy and forgiveness, I pray for my life to be touched by the hands of the savior, Jesus Christ, In Jesus name I pray, and give thanks, glory to God, In Jesus name I pray for a miracle, amen

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