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Injuries and football

Anonymous Community 3

I want someone maybe even one person to pray for me. I am a college football player or I should say ex college football player. This is my second year playing college football and this is my second concussion and the school I am at won’t let me play there anymore, I have a dr. Appointment 11/22/23 and I will get to see if I ever play football again or have to move on with my life, this has been a very difficult struggle for me because I have put all my worth for the past 4 years into football. But I’m not sure what I want to do I have a bunch of different options but I want the best for my future. I also have a girlfriend that I love and we have a pretty healthy relationship but I want us to keep going strong because she is great she has a great connection with god and is a very kind person. Thankyou for reading this and Thankyou for praying for me

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