Please pray for me, I need healing for my mind, deliverance and salvation for my soul, It's gotten to the point where it is difficult too read, I can't even watch a movie, I've been tricked by one of my old friends that he was something he wasn't, and now it's sometimes difficult too pray, too pray in Jesus' name, I ask for forgiveness, and I wanna be more true and sincere, when I pray and too learn how too explain things, I pray for protection in spirtual warfare, I ask in Jesus' name if I could get an angel or multiple, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael to guide me, and too pray for my soul, I ask for mercy, I pray that I could rekindle my relationships, and know what too say, eventually, I pray for strength, courage, and vulnerability, I want my heart too be open, I want too be able too read, perhaps too learn different ways in which I could learn, I wanna read the bible daily, hopefully with guidance, I wanna be able too have pure praise to the true Jesus Christ, praise in the sense of saying thanks, or saying grace, I hope to be filled with compassion, forgiveness, and mercy, too not get angry, but too be understanding, I pray also too be understood, as I've never been much good at explaining things, but also too explain how I've been messed with, but also how I've gotten through it, I pray for a better memory, I pray that I could feel Jesus Christ love, and that he is listening, his presence wherever I go, I know I'm not the smartest I've been doing substance since I don't remember, I don't remember the last I've went too school, as I've been online, and I've forgotten alot about my friends, my family, I wish I cherished them more and learned who they were in the terms of which we are all one of a Kind, I wish I would've cherished my teachers too, they were actually really good,I wish we has a bible class in school, sometimes school pushed away from that, though thats just my perspective, because God's love was still there, I wish we had a class on how much Jesus Christ loves us, and the beauty in our humanity, I wanna learn more too, as I've became somewhat of a fool, I wanna remove sin from my life, I've already started, I wanna learn love as in family, though I need to be healed, I need salvation for my soul, I wanna learn, and I want Jesus Christ in my life, Jesus is the most important, and he loves us, I wanna learn to place him higher than my selfish values, and higher than my sinful thoughts, I want him too be there for me, I wanna learn how too trust that it'll work out and to have faith, I wanna love Jesus Christ/Yeshua with all my heart, beautiful name by the way, I wanna be saved, I need him too let me know that he has me, Jesus Christ, as I'm only human, and I'm also not that smart, I need structure in my life, I need too focus on improving myself as in taking care of myself, improving my faith, reading the word daily, and talking more in prayer less about what I want, including it, but still learning how too say thanks, I want more control, once I'm able too go back too school, I wanna play some sports if I could, you know how people get extra hours at work, I want extra hours at school, and too cherish it, I've never done that before, I want more classes, too actually play sports which I've never really played before, I want Jesus Christ with me the whole time, and too talk too him more, prayer, and I pray that my parents get slowly guided away from smoking and back into the loving arms of Jesus Christ, please Lord hear me, what is mine is yours, as it already is, though I'm talking about my dedication, and being like I love you, you are my family, I pray in the might and holy name of Jesus Christ, Lord I need a miracle, peace be with you, and my God bless all that read this, and pray for me, and even pick something up that they would like too pray for. Be safe and be saved my friend. I'm only sixteen sorry if I seem childish though we are not grown until the age of twenty, so embrace it an learn, even once I'm twenty, embrace it, love it, and hopefully by 25 I could have at least one kid of my own, cherish life because no matter what it is a miracle, and a blessing, life is more than knowledge, I hope that we could all push past everything, and see that we are still living, enjoy it, I know I need, Yolo, you only live once, so take care of yourself, live abundantly, substances just waste your life away, I wish I had listened too that sooner, I'm sorry these prayers are like an essay long though it's kinda like therapy, and it's like he is listening, I love Jesus, and I wanna love him more, I need protection of temptation, and from the evils of this world, though it is still beautiful, give no power to evil, but instead relish in the beautiful of this world, it is still God's green earth, he still loves it and so should we, it needs healing and prayers as much as we do, let us pray for every soul living, or even ones that passed, for them to be guided to the hands of Jesus Christ, for them to be obedient, and too not mess with us humans, because it is sad, some of them need help just as much as us, please pray for my soul, I need Jesus, lol, I love him too, In Jesus' name I pray