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Anonymous Community 3

We come before you in the name of Jesus, lifting up My daughter, to you. Lord, we ask that you would intervene in her job search and provide her with the employment opportunity that aligns with your perfect will for her life. You are the ultimate job recruiter, and we trust that you know the plans you have for N, plans to prosper her and not to harm her, plans to give her hope and a future.

We pray, Lord, that you would send your angels to guide N in the right direction, leading her to the job that you have prepared for her. May your divine favor rest upon her applications and interviews, causing doors to open and opportunities to arise. Fill her with confidence and grant her the wisdom and discernment she needs to make the right decisions.

Holy Spirit, we ask that you would go before N, preparing the hearts and minds of those who will be considering her for employment. Give her the right words to say and the ability to showcase her skills and abilities in the best possible way. Help her to shine brightly and stand out among other candidates.

Lord, we also pray for N's emotional well-being. We ask that you would comfort her in her moments of sadness and discouragement. Remind her of your faithfulness and the truth that you are always with her. Fill her heart with hope and peace, knowing that you are working behind the scenes on her behalf.

We thank you, Lord, for your love and care for N. We trust in your perfect timing and provision. May she experience your goodness and faithfulness in her job search. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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