Hi my brothers and sisters at the Prayer Wall!Praise the LORD!The LORD gave me a vision this morning and it was such a blessing i just had to share it!I like so many others have had some very painful experiences ln my life loss of parents drug addiction you name it!Some so painful i just blocked them out of my memory!So the LORD wanting me to see there was nothing to fear told me to imagine i was driving down a major highway as fast as the law allowed! Then to look in the rear view mirror and to look at all my memories the good and bad in the mirror and see as i was driving forward the memories were fading in the distance and he said see that they are gone no longer part of your life!And then he said now look again and see all the countless times i have gotten you out of trouble After i did that i drove froward with stronger Faith and the road looked much more pleasent!GOD bless you brother Danny 11/4/23 p.s there is one that sticketh closer than a brother