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You Know That Sin Begets Sin, But Do You Know Why?

God created the human brain to be "plastic". This concept, known as brain plasticity, is where repeated behaviors strengthen neural connection pathways.

If you don't know what a neural connection pathway is, imagine your brain as a big network of roads, and each road represents a pathway that information travels along. These pathways are called neural connection pathways.

Anyway, just as practicing a skill or habit reinforces certain neural pathways in the brain, engaging in sinful behavior strengthens the connections associated with those actions.

Think about how when a person commits a sin for the first time, it may feel uncomfortable or unnatural, as the neural pathways associated with that behavior are weak. However, with each subsequent repetition of the sinful act, those pathways become stronger and more efficient.

This makes it easier for the person to engage in the same behavior again in the future, leading to a cycle of repetition.

It gets worse though.

As the neural connections associated with sinful behavior strengthen, they can override other pathways associated with moral reasoning, empathy, and self-control. This can lead to a diminished ability to resist temptation and make virtuous choices, further reinforcing the cycle of sin.

How does this happen?

Engaging in sinful behavior actually leads to changes in brain chemistry and function, such as alterations in dopamine levels or changes in stress response systems. These neurobiological changes can further perpetuate the cycle of sin by influencing mood, motivation, and decision-making processes.

This is what happens on a neurological level when God gives a person over to his reprobate mind.

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