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Was The Protestant Reformation Our Tower Of Babel?

I can't help but worry one day we'll look back and read a story the likes of the following...

In the days of old, before the great reformation of faith had begun, there arose a man named Martin Luther. The people of the Church had been united under the Catholic authority, much like the builders of the Tower of Babel who sought to reach the heavens.

But God looked down upon the unity of the Church and saw that it had grown arrogant and corrupt and had lost sight of His true message. He decided to intervene, just as He had in Babel.

God saw in Martin Luther a vessel of change, a man who would challenge the established order. Much like the confusion of languages at Babel, Luther's words and teachings became a powerful force that shattered the unity of the corrupt Catholic Church.

Just as God had scattered the people at Babel, He had scattered His faithful into different factions.

Unfortunately, as the Church divided into various Protestant denominations, it brought about conflicts and rivalries among Christians. Doctrinal disputes arose, and sometimes, the love of Christ was overshadowed by disputes over theology.

The once-strong and unified Catholic Church, now fragmented into an ever-increasing number of different denominations, struggled to maintain its influence, and the Christian faith faced internal strife.

People who had once worshipped together now found themselves on opposing sides, torn apart by differing beliefs and interpretations.

Don't get me wrong...the Catholic Church needed reform, and Luther's intentions were rooted in such. I can't also help but think the resulting division is to be a reminder of the potential pitfalls and negative consequences of such schisms.

Anyway, far be it from me to think I know God's true intentions; it just doesn't seem too far-fetched to think God was/is maybe challenging us to find common ground and unity in our faith, challenging us to reconcile our differences and work towards a more harmonious expression of our shared beliefs.

Be the case as it may, it sure doesn't seem like we're succeeding at that.

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