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What's The Deal With The Building Blueprints We Find In The Bible?

Do you know those chapters in Exodus everyone skips over? The ones about the building the Ark of the Covenant?

Or the ones in Kings that talk about the construction of the temple?

The absolute best way I've come across to understand what is "hidden" in those chapters comes from the book "The Language Of Creation" by Matthieu Pageau.

He says, "Given our current materialism, the best way to understand the role of the temple is through analogies with our written language. Like a written word, the temple is made from a collection of physical parts arranged by the rules of an arcane language." If that doesn't make sense yet, don't worry.

Take a look at the diagram below, and then read the explanation that follows:

The diagram is meant to show how the meaning behind a two-word idea (Holy Temple) cannot be expressed on the page without the rules of language (alphabet, vocabulary, and grammar) to organize these marks (materials) in a very specific manner.

Pageau tells us, "Moreover, if any of these marks had been misplaced, the resulting expression might have been meaningless; or worse, it might have hosted a completely different meaning or "spirit" (for instance, EMPTY HELLO)."

Pageau goes on to elaborate: "If we were to describe how to embody the meaning of "holy temple" on this page, the plans for its construction might look something like this:

You shall make nine vertical marks, ten horizontal marks, and six slanted marks. Three of the slanted marks shall be left-leaning, and three shall be right-leaning, etc. You shall make two of the following patterns: three horizontal marks joined to the right of one vertical mark in equal distance, etc."

The above instructions tell someone, quite literally, how to write the idea "holy temple" by arranging marks on a page.

Pageau says, "Of course, these technical rules will only make sense to those who already understand the written English language. Even then, the individual patterns of the letters remain somewhat meaningless until they are brought together with a higher set of rules (vocabulary and grammar)."

Likewise, the plans of the temple are like the rules of an alphabet because they organize "marks" (materials) in a very detailed manner.

So, in the context of building the actual temple from wood, metal, and textiles, we might ask why there must be fifty loops in the curtains, or why they should be blue, or why the clasps must be golden and placed opposite each other, etc.

As before, these detailed rules will only make sense to those who are familiar with the arcane language of this temple, which was strictly reserved to the priesthood."

Thus, it's a bit easier to understand why the plans/instructions God gives to build the temple are so detailed and complicated, as opposed to dismissing them as unnecessary or superfluous.

I hope you found this valuable/helpful!

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